
ccdproc.wcs_project(ccd, target_wcs, target_shape=None, order=u'bilinear', add_keyword=True)[source]

Given a CCDData image with WCS, project it onto a target WCS and return the reprojected data as a new CCDData image.

Any flags, weight, or uncertainty are ignored in doing the reprojection.


ccd : CCDData

Data to be projected.

target_wcs : astropy.wcs.WCS object

WCS onto which all images should be projected.

target_shape : two element list-like, optional

Shape of the output image. If omitted, defaults to the shape of the input image.

order : str, optional

Interpolation order for re-projection. Must be one of: + ‘nearest-neighbor’ + ‘bilinear’ + ‘biquadratic’ + ‘bicubic’

add_keyword : str, Keyword or dict-like, optional

Item(s) to add to metadata of result. Set to False or None to completely disable logging. Default is to add a dictionary with a single item: the key is the name of this function and the value is a string containing the arguments the function was called with, except the value of this argument.


ccd : CCDData

A transformed CCDData object